Ten years since the inception of Pearl Jam Fan Portraits, the book is finally out this year, 2023. The Kickstarter campaign ended October 1, 2022 and was successfully funded.
I have taken over 1,000 Fan Portraits since 2012 and I wanted to create a book to beautifully show the collection of photos and see it all come together in print format.
I’ve spent endless hours over the last couple years working on creating and editing the book. The goal of the Kickstarter was to raise the funds to get the book printed.
If you missed out on the Kickstarter, you can still order a copy today!
Thank you to everyone who got their Fan Portrait taken, and thank you for your support. This wouldn’t be possible without you.

From the Kickstarter campaign:
My name is Tanya Kang. I am a photographer and the founder of the Pearl Jam Fan Portraits project.
I wouldn’t be where I am today without Pearl Jam’s music and I know that’s how many Pearl Jam fans feel. 2012 is when I came up with the Fan Portraits idea. I wanted to do something to capture how much the music means to all of us, and that’s what I started doing with Fan Portraits. I started taking photos of fans holding a sign with lyrics at the shows. It started small and grew into something more than I ever could have imagined. By the 2018 tour, I had captured over 1,000 fans. Now ten years since it inception, I’m finally ready to print the book and I can’t do it without your support.
Between 2012 and 2018, I traveled to as many cities and states as possible on each tour to capture as many fans as I could. It was a true labor of love: taking photos all day, going to the show that night, traveling on to the next show the following day, and taking red eye flights to make it back in time to work my day job.
One of the most rewarding things to come out of working on this project is all the amazing fans that I got to meet along the way. I heard so many inspiring stories that I decided to compile the portraits and some of these stories into a collection.
I’ve been working on the book over the last few years with some pauses along the way (having my son in 2020 is one of them!). Thanks to encouragement from several close friends I met at the shows, I was finally able to find the time to finish the book. Now I need your help to get the book printed. I’m so excited to share the portraits with you and I can’t wait for you to see the collection come together in this book. Photos are meant to be printed and the images can be truly appreciated this way – it’s a beautiful thing. I want the book to be more than a coffee table decoration – I want it to be something you pick up again and again.
As I’ve worked on the book, it’s been a trip down memory lane: remembering each person’s photo that I took, learning about their story, the journey they took to get to the concert, how much it meant to them to have their photo captured, what the lyrics meant to them, and hearing about the hours they spent (or weeks!) deciding which lyric to go with. Meeting new people at each show, hanging outside the venue discussing what the setlist will be and if they will play the song from your Fan Portrait, hanging out after and talking about the amazing show we just witnessed. These are the sentiments that will resonate with you as you flip through the pages of this book.
John Evans: Congratulations on your magnificent tribute to the ethereal, deeply intertwined, and reciprocal connection between members of the “Faithful” and Pearl Jam and their songs. Along with many smiles, many tears were shed while seeing familiar faces, as well as the faces of PJ fans who I have never met (but sincerely hope to some day), as they held — not only physically, but spiritually — the words to lyrics that not only meant/mean so much to them, but have guided their lives. Your photos and the personal stories behind them capture the joy, sorrow, determination, motivation, personal growth, and expression of life and love that is inspired by Pearl Jam. Kudos, as well, to poignant forewords written by Mike Lang, Eric Lilavois (London Bridge Studio), and Randy Sobel (Live on 4 Legs podcast). The “In memory of” section is especially heart wrenching, yet profoundly beautiful in its own way. Together, the photos in this book represent the exact reason why I love to take moments during shows and look around to see everyone rejoicing in their individual, yet utterly collective, experiences of filling their souls with the magical power of Pearl Jam. Bravo to you!
thank you
Thank you to the following for making a pledge to the Kickstarter campaign! Because of your support, my dream of creating this book has finally turned into a reality. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Chris Girard
Jeremy Pochwat
Susan Struss
Keena Kang
Bob Czechowicz
Sharon Friedman Sweeney
Trevor Wheeler
Rita Gosnell
Rebecca Pecsok
Rae Anne McLaughlin
Andy Lore
Amy Adams-Ward
Terry Lynn MacGregor
Deanna DiBella
John Evans
Jennifer Franklin
The Cavs
Steve Rubin
Brandon Wong
Brook Schlosser
Jennifer King
Kristen Jacobs
Denise Howard
David Van Benthuysen
Mike Jones
Roger Manuel
Leslie Moreland
Jason Wright
Andrea Heymann
Jasmee Grewal
Amber Gish
Candace Goldstein
Mike P
Timothy Smith
Tifany Johnsen
Arleen McGlade
Darrin Puckett
Dianne D’Angelo Tarulli
Suzanne Hubner
Caroline D
Mike Cribier
Jill Leonard
Erin Gravlin
Caro Garay
Mike and Eileen
Ellyn Bitume
Natasha Sills
Christina Bernard
May MacGregor
Bradley Piasecki
Abraham Esparza
Annette McClellan
Cathy Mauro
Kim Hexter
Cindy McElhiney
Janell Cuneio
Brittany “Bee Girl” Littleton
Scott and Wendy Johnston
Cathe Boudreau
Randy Sobel
Andy Hevesy
Demetrios Lyberopoulos
Don Allis
Liz Kagansky
Kimberly McEnulty
Jennifer Scripter
Jennifer Lauren
Christine Landis
Sue Siradas
Jennifer Poore
Drew and Ro Dallons
Kaushal Lapsiwala
Reed West
Javier Cancino
Andrew Young
Diane Neustadt
Carl Lore
Jeff Weiss
Ryan D.
Andy Jenkins
Graham Holey
Chris Walker
Joe Angarola
Mike and Dani DePersia
James DiGiovanni
Heide Marx
Wendy Nauman
Melanie Hocking
Lila Barzegar
Lady Pearl
Sebastian Blanco
Gerry Lang
Liz Woods
Jeffrey Benn
Jeff and Christie Clark
Genevieve Olivier
Brett Hansen
Debbie Strozier
Sarah Lunstedt
Caryl Coronis
Debra Rainone
Shannon Hindahl
The Morrison Family
Stephanie Devine
Liesl, Jax and Bishop
Kyla McDaniel
Brian W
Rosalie Savillo
Liz & Matt Summers
Garrett Deckel
Yvonne Armando & Anna Pelletier
Anthony Pendleton
Mike Abrams
Laura Beth Harrington
Sean Rose
Mary Kate Schmermund
Dustin Pardue
Connie West
Cindy Wolfe
Victoria Solomon
Scott Brooks
Carrie Trimbell
Ellen Kamaratos
Erica L. Hone
Prasanna Vasudevan
Michele Castrellon
Boris Kirilloff
Kathy O’Connor
Jennifer Rowland
Dale Hardman
Kim Blevins
The Rippole family (Damian, Alison, Tyler, Sammy, Maya, and Julia)
Dirty Tom (Tom Tabacchi)
Nick Zaharias
Robert Post
Erin Kelchner
Kartheek Nagappala
Scott & Bobbi Roberts
Kristin Nielsen
Brian & Nissa Huber
Brent Ashby
Linda Zumoff
Thomas E. Harkins
Randy Bird
Talia Page
Brian Plona
Jason Centofanti
Liz Peterson
Clatus Bierman
Kristin Usner
Monica Koleszar
The Irvin’s 4/22/2003
Brigid Ryan Keady
Eric W. Chouinard
Idan Tzameret
Jeremy Mahn & Care Lucas
Trisha Flanagan
Chris and Sarah Miller
Mark Thewes
Meagan Garner
Shamir Kanji
Joshua Goldstein
Bryan Francis Ahearn
Matt Erickson
Matt Sondgeroth
Mandip Kharod
Chris Kearns
Siobahn Kinney
Ethan Bursofsky
Keith & Stephanie Falce
Better Band Branden
Rich Busofsky
Sheila Dunwoodie
Ellen McGrew & Kendall Day
Christopher Menard
Deb Neulander
Chrissy Shipley
PJ Kimmie
Jenn & Tony Salguero
Jenny Golovin and Rick Williams
Branislav and Molly Leonard-Dordevic
Heidi Porter
Mike Dziama
Jodi Wolfe
Jon & Ginger Dupré
Ray & Sarah
Terri Robinson
Patrick Gallagher
Ryan Langle
Kelly Tecklenburg
Christel Van Grootel
Travis Roper
Danielle Tatlow
Orjan Van Wremer
Einat & Niv Netaneli
Marc Dominguez
Nancy Rostosky
Adrienne Hill
Bobby Holliday
Niki Lipkin
Kelly Azzopardi
Carrie Temkin
Ivan Rostosky
Jennifer Rennie
Dana Caniz
Jason Brown
Kylie May
Desiree D
Laurie Tolton
Tiffany Cipolla
James Fultz
Samantha Hawes
Melissa Oliveira
Tina Taylor
Debbie Runkey
Sheehan Perera
Bethany Peterson
Analog Mike
Heather Barksdale
Jennifer John Bickel
Craig Moore
Rich and Jenni Gee
Kirk Walton
Rob Cox
Julie McCormick
Sarah and Frank Pietrowski
Colleen English
Amy Wynn
John Wise
Hayden Alfano
Kris Haq
Stephanie Winebrenner
Chris Lee-Sye
Tomek Stachera
Brian Madsen
Tina Shestag
Michelle “Meesh” Kane
Bob Remington
Amy M Pradna-Waugaman
Patty Gelardo
C. Brock Miller